Open Forum
Just figuring out this blog thing and noticed that I have to post something before people can comment so here's your chance - an open opportunity to post a comment now about anything development related.
A Blog to discuss Wolfville's new Municipal Planning Strategy. Please send material to be posted to
Just figuring out this blog thing and noticed that I have to post something before people can comment so here's your chance - an open opportunity to post a comment now about anything development related.
Does anyone ever wonder why the person who is appealing a town council development decision must pay for advertisements in the local newspaper at a significant cost that I beleive to be in the vicinity of $800? The town is notified, the person appealing obviously knows and the developer knows. Who else needs to know? All the witnesses must be notified irregardless of an ad and the public can't just speak up at these unless they are listed ahead of time. So why force the person appealing to pay this amount.